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Part of Cardiff Music City Festival. 7pm-10.45pm. Ages 18+ £4 adv + booking fee, £5 on the door or Pay What You Can (card or cash). BUY TICKETS ON SEETICKETS, WEGOTTICKETS, TICKETWEB, DICE, SKIDDLE or from The Moon during opening hours (no booking fee).

HONDDU (honn-thee) warp their catchy melodies via a 90s tape machine found in a dumpster. Honddu is Holly Müller and David Neale, a neuro-divergent couple who met in a feminist literature lecture. They create a spectrum of exhilarating atmospheres and irresistible melodies using synths, voice and violin. Their music has been compared to Portishead and Kate Bush, with influences including Jenny Hval, PJ Harvey and Broadcast. Holly's voice is compelling and emotional, her lyrics full of stories, and David creates a warm, idiosyncratic analogue sound, sometimes delicate, sometimes full of power. Honddu Bandcamp, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Spotify, SoundCloud, website

FREYJA ELSY: Classically trained musician, composer and self-taught electro-pop producer, intricately weaving together a myriad of musical influences to craft a sound that is both distinctive and captivating. Freyja Elsy's artistic vision is a fusion of orchestral and chamber sounds alongside electronic, folktronica and synthpop genres. Inspired by artists such as Aurora, Massive Attack and The Naked And Famous, Elsy adeptly integrates both modern pop techniques and classical elements into her music. Freyja Elsy Spotify, Facebook, Instagram, SoundCloud

YELLOW BELLY creates a lush mix of beautiful and sometimes melancholic melodies, set in an atmospheric landscape. “Lush. Cocteau Twins meets Bat For Lashes” Skylab Radio. “Rich, gorgeously textured, epic” Tom Robinson. Yellow Belly Bandcamp, Spotify, Instagram

YAGLANDER: Joel McConkey from Cardiff via London & Falmouth who plays lo-fi bedroom pop taking inspiration from artists such as Wire and The Fall with a love of pop melodies. Yaglander Bandcamp, Instagram

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Proudly part of Cardiff Music City Festival. Supported by Welsh Government and Cardiff Council. More information can be found at


We operate Challenge 25 - please bring ID if you're lucky enough to look u25 : )

Accessible venue. Gender neutral toilet. Free ear plugs at the bar. We accept card & cash.

Venue, access & parking info


7pm-10.45pm. 18+ oed £4 ymlaen llaw + ffi archebu, £5 wrth y drws neu Talwch Beth Allwch (cerdyn neu arian parod).

HONDDU sy’n anffurfio eu melodïau bachog drwy beiriant tâp o’r 90au a ganfuwyd mewn bin. Honddu yw Holly Müller a David Neale, pâr niwrowahanol a gyfarfu mewn darlith ar lenyddiaeth ffeministaidd. Maen nhw’n creu sbectrwm o awyrgylchoedd gwefreiddiol ac alawon anorchfygol gan ddefnyddio synth, llais a feiolin. Mae eu cerddoriaeth wedi’i chymharu â Portishead a Kate Bush, gyda dylanwadau yn cynnwys Jenny Hval, PJ Harvey a Broadcast. Mae llais Holly yn gyfareddol ac emosiynol, mae ei geiriau yn llawn straeon, ac mae David yn creu sain anolog, gynnes, idiosyncrataidd, sydd weithiau’n fregus ac weithiau’n llawn pŵer. Honddu Bandcamp, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Spotify, SoundCloud, website

FREYJA ELSY: Cerddor a chyfansoddwr sydd wedi’i hyfforddi’n glasurol, a chynhyrchydd electropop hunanddysgedig, sy’n plethu myrdd o ddylanwadau cerddorol at ei gilydd i grefftio sain sy’n unigryw ac yn gyfareddol. Mae gweledigaeth artistig Freyja Elsy yn gyfuniad o seiniau cerddorfaol a siambr ochr yn ochr â genres electronig, gwerin electronig a synthpop. Wedi’i ysbrydoli gan artistiaid fel Aurora, Massive Attack a The Naked And Famous, mae Elsy yn integreiddio’n fedrus dechnegau pop modern ac elfennau clasurol yn ei cherddoriaeth. Freyja Elsy Spotify, Facebook, Instagram, SoundCloud

Mae YELLOW BELLY yn creu cymysgedd swynol o felodïau hardd ac weithiau melancolig, wedi’u gosod mewn tirwedd atmosfferig. “Hyfryd. Efeilliaid Cocteau yn cwrdd â Bat For Lashes” Skylab Radio. “Cyfoethog, gwead hyfryd, epig” Tom Robinson.Yellow Belly Bandcamp, Spotify, Instagram

YAGLANDER: Joel McConkey o Gaerdydd heibio Llundain a Falmouth sy’n chwarae pop ystafell wely lo-fi wedi ei ysbrydoli gan artistiaid fel Wire and The Fall gyda chariad at alawon pop. Yaglander Bandcamp, Instagram

Yn falch o fod yn rhan o Ŵyl Dinas Gerdd Caerdydd. Cefnogir gan Lywodraeth Cymru / Cyngor Caerdydd. Mwy o wybodaeth yn