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All ages, workshop session at 6pm then music networking from 7pm. Free entry - pre-booking required. BOOK A FREE SPACE ON EVENTBRITE (you don’t need to come to both events, just drop in).

Forté Project & Creative Republic of Cardiff hosting.

LIVE SHOW WORKSHOP 6PM - Covering the basics of live shows and sound from an engineer/tour manager's perspective, and relating it for musicians. Includes practical demonstrations on mic technique, feedback, different setups, performance, how to prepare for live shows and more.

The session ends with a Q&A about any queries you have on live shows and sound, so get some questions prepared!

(short break)

MUSIC NETWORKING 7.30PM - Informal networking event for anyone in the local music industry or who wants to, if they're:

- looking to collaborate with others

- need help with anything

- offering help / support / providing services for anyone in music

- just wanting to say hello and tell everyone what you do

Everyone gets a turn to either just say hi or you can speak for up to 2-3 mins. We'll have a couple of networking breaks in between so you can catch up, speak to the people you just heard from and make new contacts. We'll also carry on over drinks for anyone who wants a general catch up and chat about the local music scene.

The event is aimed at a mix of those involved in music, including

- musicians, event promoters, managers

- producers, DJs, sound engineers, stage assistants

- record labels, publishing companies, booking agents

- designers, video-makers, artists

- support organisations, service providers, educators

- students and anyone looking to start working in music